Friday, August 21, 2009

TigerBand 2009!


I did it! I made the Tiger Marching Band! I can’t believe. I found out this morning around 8:15 and needless to say I’ve been in a great mood ever since! I mentioned last night just how challenging and mentally & physically exhausting this week has been for me, and to see those results after a week’s work was just so incredible and made it all worth it.

I am so thankful and blessed to be given this opportunity and cannot wait to see what this football season brings for me. I think I’m where I’m meant to be. 

Just thought I would share with y’all! GEAUX TIGERS!

All my love,



1 comment:

  1. GEAUX HANNAH!!! I am so proud of you and have been praying so hard for you to have the strength and fortitude to survive Band Hell Week... and you did! and, even better you MADE THE BAND!!!! WHOOP! (i knew you would, becuase YOU are amazing that way)...
