Saturday, August 15, 2009

I’m moved in! :)

Well .. I did it. I got through moving into my dorm and more importantly … I got through saying goodbye. While we drug it out as long as we could ... we finally did. The fact that it wasn’t a real goodbye made it not so bad .. but still, there were definitely tears.


Leaving Katy this morning was quite a challenge. Mom was in the car with me for that beginning portion and we just sobbed our way out of there … then Kevin rode with me for the next few hours and talked my head off .. and then Dad rode with me and I got to hear some of his college stories that I have never heard before! So it was a great trip here and I enjoyed every minute of it!

We moved all of my stuff in .. well actually the boys did while Mom and I set up the room. There is a list of things that I forgot and also some items that needed to go back home. So Mom agreed to get the stuff together and send it with Jake when he comes up here. (Which will be tomorrow!!) Thanks Mom and Jake! :]


I took some stereotypical dorm room pictures .. for those of you that want to see it. It came out really cute (and is very small). I FINALLY met my roommate Katherine and she is so awesome. It’s going to be a really fun semester in the dorm aspect of things. We are going to take a trip to Target together tonight and pick up a few things for our room then hopefully out to dinner.


The campus here is just beautiful. I love it more each time I come here. I’ve been to the band hall already (and met one of the clarinets!) to clarify a few things for tomorrow .. I report for band duty at 1pm and then go until 10pm. Then stopped by the front desk of my dorm to get my internet working properly.

So far so good my friends. I can feel myself “blooming” already. The people I’ve met and that I’ve run into all have been so supportive and easy to talk to. It’s so nice .. and I’ve only been here for a few hours, haha.

I love you all. Each of you have made such an amazing impact on my life .. which has lead me to this point! Thank you so much for everything.

Until next time!

All my love,


1 comment:

  1. I love your comforter! Seeing your pictures makes me even more excited (and nervous too!) to move in and meet my roommates and everything :)
