Thursday, August 20, 2009

Everything’s Going to be Okay! :)

Wow, I can’t believe Thursday night is finally here. I have been going literally non-stop since Sunday at 1pm .. and I finally have time to myself to just sit in my room and blog. It’s so nice.

Sunday-Thursday has been filled with the most intense marching rehearsals I’ve ever had and the most musical and educational music rehearsals I’ve ever attended. The people here know what they’re doing and it’s so amazing. I am amazed by the dedication of each band member. I am amazed by the respect each person on campus respects the band program. I am amazed by the intensity of my student leaders. I am amazed by the knowledge of the directors. And in general I am most amazed by the program that I have been affiliated with this week. The reputation and resume the TigerBand alone holds is intimidating in itself. And I know it’s because of the work of these directors (who can be a bit scary) and the work of all of the leaders in the band. In high school I thought I was a good leader, then I see the ones who have been chosen to lead this band, and I’m in such shock. They are so dedicated and respected by each person here!

This week has also taught me so much about Hannah and who Hannah really is. Maybe even too much to handle. A lot of it is that personal stuff that you don’t tell many people about and slowly find out as you get older and then some of it is the little picky stuff like about my room or about my shower. While I still feel like I am at camp and will return home on Sunday night, I am slowly grasping that that is not the case. I am starting to get e-mails from my professors and seeing posters around school wishing students luck for the beginning of school … school … I’m at school?! Haha.

Without being too mushy gushy, for those of you that have known me for a while, you know that I get these meltdown episodes for about an hour or so, where I just cry and am an emotional wreck. I usually get those about once every couple months. Well, I’ve had about three of those this week. This camp has brought the best and the worst out of me. I cannot begin to explain how thankful I am for the people I have in my life. Most importantly my Momma, my Daddy, my brother, Kevin, my Grandmom, and my boyfriend, Jacob. They’ve sat and just listened to me cry and bitch and moan and still love me. When I say I’ve learned a lot about Hannah this week, I wasn’t kidding!

I have to talk about my Mom for a second. I’ve tried not to talk to her too much because I’ve heard that talking to your family on the phone only makes you miss them more. But the few times I have called her, they’ve made my day. She gives me such strength and reassurance that I’m going to be okay. She knows me better than anybody else in this world does and she knows exactly my problems and solutions without me even knowing. I can’t tell you how thankful and blessed I am to HER daughter. It is my hope that other daughters out there have the relationship with their moms as I do with mine. Love you, Mom!

And I have to talk about Jacob for a second. I can’t tell y’all how much he’s helped me this week. Since my schedule has been non-stop 8am-9pm, and his schedule is less than that, he’s helped me with stuff like grocery shopping, laundry, and taking stuff places for me. He told me he wanted me to have time to rest so I can do good the next day .. is that not the greatest ever? How did I get so lucky? I’m so blessed and thankful to have him here on campus with me. He’s the real deal. Love you, Jacob.

Tomorrow morning I find out if I’ve made the TigerBand or not. The TIGERBAND! Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I just finished a week of preseason camp with the TigerBand. We have had so many reporters and photographers around us at our rehearsals from magazines and we’ve had TV stations stop by as well to check on the status of the TigerBand and such. Apparently if you look in the SEC Football Magazine for this upcoming season/predictions .. instead of the football team being on the front LSU page, it’s the TigerBand! Cool, huh? Anyway, whether I make the band, I know I’ve tried my absolute hardest and have exhausted myself to the max. My feet are swollen, my legs are sore, I have more pimples on my face, and my hair needs to be loved and have more time spent on it. What more can they ask for? I guess it’s all up to them now.

I guess that’s all for now. It was so nice to sit down and blog for a bit. I could keep typing and typing about my week’s experiences, but you’d lose interest fast, haha. All in a nutshell, this has been the best/worst week of my life! :)

All my love,



  1. So excited for you! Keep it up!

  2. Oh Hannah, what an amazing journey and a great tribute to your mom... she is so awesome, I agree. This too shall pass and you will be better for it!!! much love and many hugs coming your way!
