Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm New at This! & Puerto Rico :)

Hello All :)
I'm going to warn you now that I've never done this before .. and it is very likely that I will have a tendency to babble on because if you put me in front of a keyboard and let me go, I'll go, haha. I like having the ability to do that every once in a while ... I've always wanted to blog because of it. It seems like this can be somewhere where I can just talk randomly and those of you that want to read, will. You know?
I'd like to start off with talk about my Puerto Rico trip! I have been home almost a week now and I can't stop thinking about it. I went with Jacob, my amazing boyfriend (you'll hear a lot about him) and his family, the Endresens (you'll hear a lot about them, too). We had such an amazing time. If you look at my facebook, you can see all of the pictures from it. We stayed in San Juan, Puerto Rico which was like tourist heaven. Our hotel/resort grounds were perfect! It was a really awesome trip to get to know Jacob and his family even more. I've been around them for a while now, but it was nice to just get away and have bonding time .. just me and the fam! :) That family is so amazing. They treat me and make me feel like their own and it is so comforting. Jacob has a new little brother, Jackson, who is only 6 months old, and him and I got lots of bonding time. It was so awesome. And then I also got to know Jacob's dad better. Because of his work schedule, I haven't really gotten to know him as well as Jacob's mom. He really is such an awesome/patient guy who just loves his family. And then Jacob's mom, Ms. Jen, is so fun, too. Her and I have been compatible ever since we met, so it was nice to get to hang out with her. A lot of times her and I would take bathroom dates together to go change Jackson or something of that sort .. and as dorky as it sounds, I had so much fun on those date! Haha. But most importantly I got to know Jacob more. I wasn't sure what it'd be like being with him 24/7, not for any other reason other than we've never done it before .. and it's kind of a big deal for a couple do that because you get to see all aspects of each other for a week. And after successfully getting through a week without totally hating each other .. I can honestly say it was one of the greatest weeks ever. I was able to get to know him more and love him even more by just being with him all day every day .. I know that sounds super corny, but it's so true! On the Saturday night we were there, he actually gave me a beautiful promise ring and told me that he's promised to me no matter what. Yes, I got a little teary, but I couldn't have been any happier! :) (And I know it's not about the ring .. but it's a beautiful blue diamond flower set ring .. it's gorgeous!) And I gladly/quickly gave my promise to him as well. And then the next day got him a stud-ish ring of his own .. I really like it. I think we're going to last very long time. So to wind down, Puerto Rico was amazing. It was a great eye opener and let me know that I'm getting into something really amazing by dating Jacob. And Puerto Rico itself was absolutely beautiful. Those of you who want to go somewhere and don't know where, ask me! Going to San Juan, Puerto Rico and visiting Old San Juan and shopping in all the shops up and down the streets is so so fun. I got my bonus check the Friday before we left, so I was able to be a little loose with my money and get some really cute stuff! I even bought my mom a beautiful topaz pendant to hang form her gold chain .. she really loved it when she opened it! :) Ok, so until tomorrow, that's all for now. Hopefully if I have time tomorrow, I can blog some more. I promise all of my posts won't be all ga-ga over my boyfriend. Just the first one! :) And if any of you have blogs that I don't know about, tell me, so I can follow you, too! All my love, Hannah


  1. Hannah! You are amazing... everytime I turn around you amaze me further. Your blog is off to a great start, I love reading your thoughts. We had an amazing time with you also and we ALL love you very much... so blessed to have you as part of our lives (for a very, very long time)... You are great at this, keep going!

  2. Hey Hannah, I loved reading your have always loved to write, so this blog fits you perfectly!! It looks like your trip was a "dream vacation" for sure! I love all of the and Jake look so happy together!
